All posts by Ella

FRIDAY Fish Fry & Stations of the Cross

Fish Fry Friday’s during Lent. Come meet with friends, family and parishioners and share a Knight’s of Columbus fish fry meal with all the fixins’ between 4 PM and 7 PM prior to attending the Stations of The Cross at the church which starts at 7 PM.

Friday Lenten Activities
4:00-7:00pm Fish Fry
(Social Hall)

7:00pm Stations of the Cross



Click here to view and join us for a livestream Mass –Saturday, March 1, at 4:00pm.
8th Sunday in Ordinary Time and the kickoff of Our Catholic Appeal. We can be in spiritual union with Our Lord. The Mass will be live-streamed on the parish website and Facebook. Our Celebrant message is sure to be both comforting and inspirational.

Peace and blessings to all our Sisters and Brothers.


Sacred Heart & St Gerard catholic Women’s Association are calling all BUNCO players to come join the fun on Saturday MARCH 22, 2025. Doors open @ 11AM- Games start @NOON. Located in the Sacred Heart Social Hall.  998 Father Donlon Dr. (US1), New Smyrna Beach. $20.00 per person (includes lunch). Tickets are available at the Parish office or can be purchased at the door!!


Lets spread the Word!!!  SACRED HEART ANNUAL BINGO BASH!!!SATURDAY  FEBRUARY 22, 2025.  Doors open at 9:00am, Games start at 11:00pm. Lunch provided !!
$10.00 ENTRY FEE (Reserves you a Spot) Packages: Purchased at the Door!!!
Please call the parish office for more info – 386-428-6426


Knights of Columbus

Will be Holding a Real Spaghetti and Meatball Dinner with Desert. January 25th at 5:00 PM after the 4:00 Mass in the Social Hall. There will be entertainment for those who will dine at the Social Hall. Take out dinners are available. The Knights will deliver Meals to St. Gerard’s for those who cannot make it to Sacred Heart. Cost will be $12 with Proceeds to Benefit the St. Vincent de Paul Society, the Bereavement Ministry and the OCIA Program. Thank you and GOD bless!