First Holy Communion

images[1]A vital part of our Catholic Christian family community and experience is the sharing in the Sacraments.  According to the Catholic Church’s teachings, a Catholic parent or guardian, plays a vital role in providing religious education for their children. The church recognizes that religious education and sacramental preparation begins with the parent or guardian family at home and is integral in providing moral foundation and spiritual formation.  The Church desires us to teach our children about our relationship with God the Father, Jesus the Son, the Holy Spirit, our Mother Mary, along with our angels, saints, and Catholic traditions.  As Catholic parents or guardians, we have the God given gifts and responsible to educate and form our children in Christ, in the Catholic faith, worship and morality which should begin in the earliest years.

In providing religious education and formation, Catholic parents or guardians help to foster the gift of God’s desire in preparing them to receive the church’s sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation.  According to our Faith, infants should be baptized during the first few weeks of life.  When a child reaches second grade, or 7 years of age, it is time to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.  This preparation should take place at a Catholic school or religious education program, and sometimes out of necessity through home schooling.  When our children attend a non-Catholic school, parents are encouraged to enroll their children in parish religious education classes for this preparation.

Our sacramental preparation program for First Reconciliation and First Communion begins with a brief personal inquiry session to provide answers for your questions and provide an outline of our children’s ministry for Formation and Sacramental preparation.. The 2 year ministry program, leading up to receiving both Sacraments, normally begins in 1st grade and concludes with receiving the Sacraments at the conclusion of 2nd grade. However, parents or guardians whose children are not able to be enrolled on this age timeline are encouraged to inquire about a modified plan for their formation and sacramental preparation.

This process is offered through classroom and online discussion and teaching, and also through participation in prayer, special celebrations and worship opportunities, and service to others. In this way, our children are led to a closer relationship with Jesus Christ, other children, and the total Christian faith community.  The materials and resources used during program are provided in print and online.  Given today’s busy world, it is our desire to enable the entire family the opportunity to participate in the formation and preparation of our children whenever and wherever is best suitable to fit their family living environment.

We would love to speak with you!  Please call our parish office today at (386)428-6426 and schedule a discussion about your children’s faith formation and sacramental preparation.