Category Archives: Recent Events


Click here to view and join us for a livestream Mass –Saturday, February 8, at 4:00pm.
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We can be in spiritual union with Our Lord. The Mass will be live-streamed on the parish website and Facebook. Our Celebrant message is sure to be both comforting and inspirational.

Peace and blessings to all our Sisters and Brothers.

KofC Clothing Drive

Clean your Closets!!!! The Knights of Columbus a Clothing Drive continues at Sacred Heart & St. Gerard’s. They will be collecting useable Clothes, Towels, Blankets, Shoes and Purses. There will be Bins to drop off your items in the Parking Lot by Sacred Heart School and in the Parking Lot at St. Gerard. All proceeds will be for the Benefit of Sacred Heart School and the Knights Council 4934 Charities.
As always, the Knights appreciate all the Support from the Churches.

Thank you & GOD Bless