Monthly Archives: October 2015

Parishioners Pat and Barb Clark visit Esopus.

Pat & Barb Clark went on a road trip this summer to Esopus to visit and  see Father Browne’s grave stone. They wanted to  share the following photos with all of us!! Below are pictures taken of Father Browne’s grave stone. The property is now owned by a Bruderhoff group, a religious organization. They welcomed Pat & Barb with open arms and wanted to know more about Father Browne. Truly a wonderful visit for all!!!

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Fr. Tom Visits Ireland

Fr. Tom was in the city of Shrul, Ireland which is in County Mayo to visit his mother. Although his visit was brief, he enjoyed his visit with his mother and other family members.

While he was there he celebrated a Mass at St. Joseph and visited the school, nursing homes and the Redemptorist Community.

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O.L.P.H. Jr. Legion of Mary’s visiting the Sick

Celebrating the Feast of  the Holy Rosary, O.L.P.H. Jr. Legion of Mary traveled on a Mission Trip to The Regency Assisted Living Home in Edgewater to visit and pray the Rosary with their 14 Residents, with the owner Beni Demitta and Staff .
Our Legionaries gave each resident a Rosary and together we prayed the Holy Rosary with them led by our members.
The Residents were each also given a Blessed Shawl made and donated by our CCW Women of Sacred Heart.
We thank owner Beni and staff for such a warm welcome by making us feel welcome but also appreciating Beni providing our group with snacks and drinks.
Special, “Thanks,” also goes out to the Mc. Guires who treated our Group to dinner at Chick-fil-a.
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Busy week for Fr. Aldrin!

Fr. Aldrin had a busy week & weekend by attending the girls Vocation Club Meeting with Sr. Josephine and serving as Spiritual Director for both  the Pilgrim Virgin Visit to Elsa and Barnaby Romo’s home on Saturday. He also was Spiritual Director for the Orlando Diocese monthly Comitium meeting which was held at St. Peter’s & Paul Catholic Church in Winter Park on Sunday.

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Girls Vocation Club – Mass Nov 9,2015

Will Celebrate a Mass in the Knights Hall with Fr. Aldrin & Sr. Josephine on Monday November 9th @ 3.30PM.
This Mass intentions are to give God ,”Thanks  ” for our daily blessings. Our members and families will provide non perishable goods which will be distributed through our Parish Pantry to the poor. All young ladies are invited to attend our gathering.  We look forward to welcoming many of you.

Fr. Downey Council #4934 News

The Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus would like to thank all for the support we have received over the last few months. Thru this support and the hard work of our Knights we have been ableto do the following.

1. $400.00 For Sacred Heart School for play station at their fundraiser.

2. $300.00 For Deacon Program in Volusia County.

3. $160 given to support The Food Kitchen in New Smyrna Beach.

4. $2,500.00 Raised at Sacred Heart Rummage Sale.

5. $2,000.00 For the purchase of an ice machine to be placed in our Social Hall to help support our church functions.

6.$500.00 Vocations support Orlando Diocese

These are only a few projects that we have accomplished in just the beginning of our year. We again say thank you for your support and look forward to doing much more as the year continues. Look for our Knights Christmas Party in December, More School Scholarship Programs to help our kids attend Sacred Heart Catholic School and our Lenten Fish Fry which is always a success and a great time for all. These are only a few of the events that we are planning this year.

We hope that the men of the parish eighteen and above consider becoming a Knight. It’s easy just pick up a form in the church alcove or office, ask a knight or contact me Grand Knight Fran McGrath at 386-314-6480. Your effort and help is appreciated.

You will get back much more that you give.


Our Lady of Perpetual Help Junior Legion of Mary

 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Junior Legion of Mary meets on Wednesday afternoon @ 3.00PM in the Social Hall.

Children ages 8 to 18 are welcome to this very structured prayer group, who will become our future Laity for our Parish.
We make Rosaries for our Community and Missionaries all over the world.
Our Spiritual Director is Deacon Steve Cooley who helps us know our identity as Mary’s Legionaries.
Please call me for your enrollment & inquires…..
Geeta Hyjek


Tenting the Church – Starts Monday November 16, 2015

Finally, our Church will be tented, the process begins on Monday, November 16th. All Weekday Masses will be held in the Knights Hall. Handicapped Parking will be on the South side of the Knight’s Building – Enter the building at the front door located on the East side of the building on U.S.1. This entrance does not have any stairs. We’ll be back in the main Church for Weekend Masses. There will NO SCHOOL MASS on the Friday , November 20th.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you. I thank you for your patience and understanding.

Fr. Tom Burke



We are one of the 14,370 Rosary Rally groups who prayed the rosary together at the same day and time. What a beautiful and blessed day!

Thanks to Sr. Esper, for the Roses and leading the Parade today.  We Thank all our guests Sr. Bettye, Sr. Lisa, Br. Gregory, Sr. Gillian, Sr. Genifer for traveling  100 miles one way which made our day such a happy one.
We also thank our Legionaries, Parents & Grandparents, your roles made it a very happy day for our Blessed Mother & everyone.
” May God Bless you all”
Sr. Geeta Hyjek
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Thanksgiving Day Mass Schedule

The Redemptorist Community would like to wish you a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Day Mass –

Give Thanks to the Lord for he is good.  Ps. 107:1

On Thanksgiving day the Mass will be at 9:00am this is the only Mass for the day.

NO  7:00 or 11:00 am Mass scheduled.