All posts by Ella

Mothers Day / Solidarity with our Persecuted Christian Brothers & Sisters – MAY 10, 2015

As a parish we wanted to be in solidarity with our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters throughout the world. Some wondered why we chose Mother’s Day. On this day, we reflected on Mary our Mother who stood at the foot of the cross while her son was persecuted and put to death, all Mary could do, was pray!

At 3:00 in the afternoon on May 10th, we had a holy hour and prayed before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament for our brothers and sisters who are being persecuted.

We were all encouraged to wear the color orange to Mass on May 10th because orange is the ‘new color of martyrdom.’ Many of our Christian brothers and sisters are put to death in orange jump suits!

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Living Stations of the Cross & Holy Week – APRIL 2015

Every year the eighth graders of Sacred Heart School perform a live silent version of the stations of the cross. Every year this artistic reenactment of Jesus final moments on earth becomes more powerful. This is a wonderful tradition in our parish during Lent, and it is great to see all the eighth graders doing something together as a team for the parish.

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