All posts by Ella


Let us all  give Fr. Aldrin Nunes C.Ss.R. a warm welcome to our Sacred Heart & St. Gerard communities. Fr. Aldrin comes here from Bombay, India.  He has made a wonderful impact with our school children and staff. He is young, energetic and ready to share his love of the lord with us.   WELCOME! & God bless you!


Fr. Downey Council K of C & Sacred Heart School are joining forces for a HUGE! RUMMAGE SALE!

Saturday, October 3rd from 8am – 3pm

Bag Sale starts from 2 – 3pm.  There is also 50/50 Drawing & Penny Auction Items.
Donations of Clean, lightly used home goods, furniture and clothing are greatly appreciated.
Drop off in the Social Hall Thursday, Oct 1st – 12noon to 6pm & Friday, Oct 2nd – 8am to 6pm
Pick up items can be arranged b calling Deputy Grand Knight, Barry Candage a 386-307-0062




Respect Life Sunday, October 4th

2:00 to 3:00 pm

Join with other Church members for a Peaceful and Prayerful Hour

Stand or sit on U.S.1 in front of Sacred Heart or Saint Gerard.

Holy Hour at the same time in both Churches ending with Benediction.

Please join us and stand for Life.

For information call

Carol @ Sacred Heart – 427-8345 or Pete @ St. Gerard – 576-7731


Girl’s Vocation Club

Our Girl’s vocation club will meet on Monday, October 12th- 3:00pm- Knights Hall

Sister Josephine Marie will continue to enlighten us about Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
We conclude our meeting with a shared meal.     All are welcome!

Confirmation Classes

On Wednesday October 14, 2015 at 6:00pm there will be a confirmation meeting with those who would like to be confirmed and their parents. This meeting will take place in the Church.

Confirmation is on Monday January 25, 2016 at 7:00pm here at Sacred Heart. Sacramental Preparation is Mandatory for all candidates.

For more information please contact Maria Bilodeau by email or phone.   (386) 410-5947


Sisters of St. Joseph of St. Augustine

During this Year of Consecrated Life, the Sisters of St. Joseph of St. Augustine would like to invite all single Catholic women to come and visit the Motherhouse of the Sisters located in St. Augustine Florida.

If you are interested in making a visit please contact Jeanette Ghioto at or call (904) 824-9100 to schedule a visit.

Website: Like us on Facebook at

Sisters of St-Joseph lay associate program

   Sisters of St-Joseph lay associate program

We had over 20 people attend the information night for the Lay Associate program for the Sisters of St-Joseph of St-Augustine.

Sr. Kathleen, Sr. Josephine Marie and Bonnie Montgomery a Sacred Heart parishioner who has been a SSJ associate for the past 15 years shared what it means to become a Lay Associate and how this Ministry impacts ours and the lives of those in our community.

Questions were answered and now we look forward to beginning the Inquiry process.

Even if  you missed this informational meeting, please come to our Inquiry meeting

                                           Sunday, October 11th, 2015


                                                              Knights Hall

                                                           All are welcome

For more information contact:    Bonnie Montgomery  386- 410-5647


 Please consider helping and maybe having some fun too!!!

When Bingo resumes Monday night, September 21st and Bingo Friday afternoon September 25th Floor Work and Kitchen Helpers are DESPERATELY NEEDED!!!!!   Please consider helping—

Volunteer Meeting Wed.,

Sept 9th 4pm in the Knights  of Columbus Hall.

Remember Bingo helps support Sacred Heart!


“The Blue Mass” Friday September 11, 2015

ALL FIRST RESPONDERS Police, Fire & Rescue Departments

Please accept our heartfelt invitation to join us at “The Blue Mass” to commemorate the sacrifices of the First Responders who died in the events of 9/11/2001.

Please Join us at:

Sacred Heart Catholic Church

998 Father Donlan Dr, New Smyrna Beach

on Friday, September 11, 2015

at the 7:00am or 11:00am Mass

(11:00am is the Sacred Heart School Students Mass)

We would be happy to see you in uniform. We thank you for your service to our community and for all your sacrifices and good work.

May God Bless you.