All posts by Ella

Girls Vocation Club – Mass Nov 9,2015

Will Celebrate a Mass in the Knights Hall with Fr. Aldrin & Sr. Josephine on Monday November 9th @ 3.30PM.
This Mass intentions are to give God ,”Thanks  ” for our daily blessings. Our members and families will provide non perishable goods which will be distributed through our Parish Pantry to the poor. All young ladies are invited to attend our gathering.  We look forward to welcoming many of you.

Fr. Downey Council #4934 News

The Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus would like to thank all for the support we have received over the last few months. Thru this support and the hard work of our Knights we have been ableto do the following.

1. $400.00 For Sacred Heart School for play station at their fundraiser.

2. $300.00 For Deacon Program in Volusia County.

3. $160 given to support The Food Kitchen in New Smyrna Beach.

4. $2,500.00 Raised at Sacred Heart Rummage Sale.

5. $2,000.00 For the purchase of an ice machine to be placed in our Social Hall to help support our church functions.

6.$500.00 Vocations support Orlando Diocese

These are only a few projects that we have accomplished in just the beginning of our year. We again say thank you for your support and look forward to doing much more as the year continues. Look for our Knights Christmas Party in December, More School Scholarship Programs to help our kids attend Sacred Heart Catholic School and our Lenten Fish Fry which is always a success and a great time for all. These are only a few of the events that we are planning this year.

We hope that the men of the parish eighteen and above consider becoming a Knight. It’s easy just pick up a form in the church alcove or office, ask a knight or contact me Grand Knight Fran McGrath at 386-314-6480. Your effort and help is appreciated.

You will get back much more that you give.


Our Lady of Perpetual Help Junior Legion of Mary

 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Junior Legion of Mary meets on Wednesday afternoon @ 3.00PM in the Social Hall.

Children ages 8 to 18 are welcome to this very structured prayer group, who will become our future Laity for our Parish.
We make Rosaries for our Community and Missionaries all over the world.
Our Spiritual Director is Deacon Steve Cooley who helps us know our identity as Mary’s Legionaries.
Please call me for your enrollment & inquires…..
Geeta Hyjek


Tenting the Church – Starts Monday November 16, 2015

Finally, our Church will be tented, the process begins on Monday, November 16th. All Weekday Masses will be held in the Knights Hall. Handicapped Parking will be on the South side of the Knight’s Building – Enter the building at the front door located on the East side of the building on U.S.1. This entrance does not have any stairs. We’ll be back in the main Church for Weekend Masses. There will NO SCHOOL MASS on the Friday , November 20th.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you. I thank you for your patience and understanding.

Fr. Tom Burke



We are one of the 14,370 Rosary Rally groups who prayed the rosary together at the same day and time. What a beautiful and blessed day!

Thanks to Sr. Esper, for the Roses and leading the Parade today.  We Thank all our guests Sr. Bettye, Sr. Lisa, Br. Gregory, Sr. Gillian, Sr. Genifer for traveling  100 miles one way which made our day such a happy one.
We also thank our Legionaries, Parents & Grandparents, your roles made it a very happy day for our Blessed Mother & everyone.
” May God Bless you all”
Sr. Geeta Hyjek
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Thanksgiving Day Mass Schedule

The Redemptorist Community would like to wish you a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Day Mass –

Give Thanks to the Lord for he is good.  Ps. 107:1

On Thanksgiving day the Mass will be at 9:00am this is the only Mass for the day.

NO  7:00 or 11:00 am Mass scheduled.


Thanks To ALL!!

The Knights of Columbus, Staff and parents of Sacred Heart School would like to thank all those who worked, setup, and cleaned up for the Rummage sale. It was a great success we raised $2,500.00 we appreciate all those who helped out and supported to make one of our fund raisers a big success!


Prayers for Trinity

Trinity accepted an invitation from Sr. Kathleen Power, Associate Vocations Director for the Diocese of Orlando, for a Girl & #039;s Vocation Discernment Retreat for Girls ages 14 – 18 which was held at San Pedro Spiritual Center on Saturday, September 26th. Sr. Trinity is one of the 8 girls who attended and came from as far as Ocala, Ormond Beach and the Orlando area. Highlights of her retreat was an hour spent in Holy Adoration with a visit to theBlessed Sacrament. She heard presentations from four religious Sisters, enjoyed question and answer sessions and learned more about religious life. Trinity finished her day with a Mass with Fr. Torres, Diocesan Director for Vocations.  Sr.Trinity participated in the Mass by serving as the Lector.  This is great gift of hers, which she developed from reading our weekly Praesidium minutes.Trinity is a Sophomore at New Smyrna Beach High School, and a member of St Gerard's Mission Church serviced by Sacred Heart Catholic Church. She is bilingual, speaking both Spanish & English. She loves and serves, with perfection, as Secretary for Our Lady of Perpetual Help Jr. Legion of Mary. She has been a member since we began in March 13, 2013. Trinity became a member of the Girls Vocation Club when it started on August 11, 2014.  Sr. Josephine Marie Melican, SSJ still leads on a monthly basis. Trinity makes and teaches beaded rosary- making, taught to her by Sr. Ann Baslee , knotted rosaries, which was taught to her by Sr. Carol Hummel, and lego rosaries which was taught to us by Ms. Jackie Booth. She is also an Altar Server. She is the daughter of Mark Swanson and grand daughter to Sr.Cecila from Columbia.Thank you for praying for Sr.Trinity along with  Mary, Maria, Bea, Anna Mariher, Annatasia & Florence and for all our children that they will remain close to our Blessed Mother who will lead them safely to her Son.
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Girl’s Vocation Club – Christmas Gathering

 Sister Josephine Marie invites all the young ladies of our parish, their parents, friends, family to join her for an early Christmas gathering on
                                               Monday, December 14th, 2015′
                                                    3:00p.m. – Knights Hall
Looking forward to welcoming you as we continue to explore the life of Mary the mother of Jesus.


Sacred Heart Catholic School’s middle school students watched the live-stream telecast of the Diocese of Orlando’s Media Preview Day on Thursday, Sept 17.  Headed by Bishop John Noonan, members of different offices in the diocese talk about resources, schedules, prayers and local ways to participate in the U.S. Papal Visit.

Sacred Heart principal Leigh Svajko encouraged participation in the Papal Visit Beginning with attendance at Mass on Catechetical Sunday and distributing Pope Francis shirts to be worn on Wed Sept 23rd during the school’s Dress Down Day to welcome Pope Francis’ visit to or country.

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