All posts by Ella

Children’s Choir needs Help!

It’s that time of year again and time to rev up for the Christmas season. The Adult Choir will sing at the 10:00pm Midnight Mass. This Choir will perform beautiful Christmas anthems written throughout the ages as a 30 minute prelude to enhance our spiritual experience of the Incarnation. The Family Mass, at 5:00pm, will consist of a Children’s Choir. This choir will be open to all children in both public and private school between the 4th and 8th grade. We are looking for at least 10 children to lead the congregation in sung praise. Rehearsals will be held on Thursday afternoons from 3:30 to 4:30pm. We are also in need of at least 3 adult volunteers, preferably parents, who can be at rehearsal, and help supervise the children before and after rehearsal. Rehearsal will include not only Christmas music but also instruction in music, music history and so much more. It is hoped that this choir can become a permanent part of the music here at Sacred Heart.

To sign up, please call Don Roy at Parish Office at 428-6426.


Fr. Aldrin joins O.L.P.H. Jr Legion to visit to the Sick

Singing is just another  one of Fr. Aldrin’s  many talents we discovered with our visit to Fairgreen Assisted living. Fr. Aldrin was accompanied by Sofia Torres, 9 yr old 4th grader who plays the piano, a member of SHS & O.L.P.H. Jr. Legion. All sang for the 29 residents who were overjoyed by our visit, all our members took turns with leading the decades of the Holy Rosary. With Thanksgiving coming up our members were delighted to go on this Mission Field Trip.
Seen below is owner is Sue Haresco  who have extended an open invitation to us to visit her Facility more often in the future. Thanks to Sue & Staff ( Belle & Cindy ) for your warm welcome & kind hospitality, by the way, thanks for providing that great Lemonade !!
Fr. Aldrin, Legionaries and parents enjoyed visiting with the Residents and we had to pull Fr. Aldrin away, he was very caring to each resident and sad to say goodbye.
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News OF Divine Mercy Enthornement

 Last weekend was very blessed with two Divine Mercy Enthronement’s Friday with Irene Babineau, with her small Church prayer Group and also on Sunday at the Wischmeier’s Home with Fr. Aldrin, Frank & Esper Radosta & O.L.P.H. Jr. Legion of Mary Members.
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Jr. OLPH – Thanks for your Roles & Spirited Attitudes!

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

I want to thank each one of you for your excellent Roles yesterday.  Br. Eric  (Treasurer and Spiritual Correspondence for the Orlando Comitium) went back to the Orlando Diocese with a happy heart full of great hope for our faith & the Legion of Mary. He was so pleased to witness your sincerity, your academic skills & dedication for our O.L.P.H. Jr. Praesidium.  Br. Eric contacted Deacon Manny who is the Spiritual Director for the  Comitium, to share his afternoon with him. Deacon Manny expressed congratulations to each of you but mostly for your parents, teachers &  grandparents who support & teach you to stay committed to our faith & Legion. He also asked that Principal Leigh know how impressed and pleased he was with all the her pupils and was amazed with Julia & Avery’s sharing  & understanding of their interpretation of the handbook study.  Thanks to Elida, Br. Eric loved your famous tuna sandwiches!! Praising God for answering the call of our Blessed Mother to remember Jesus.

Thank you all for the great representation of both our Parish & School. God Bless everyone,

Geeta H.


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Girls Vocation Club – Mass Nov 9, 2015

Thanks to all the families who donated food for the poor and also wanted to thank Julia, Avery & Sofia who served at mass and our celebrant Fr. Aldrin.  Sr. Josephine was accompanied by Ms. Jeannette from the Mother House in St. Augustine. Sr. Josephine spoke to us regarding “Thanksgiving ” reminding us of the less fortunate families. God Bless everyone!
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The lights were dimmed and the Sacred Heart Catholic School gym was transformed into a museum Friday, October 30 in celebration of All Saints’ Day. The 2015 Saints’ Parade, Museum and Exhibit, hosted by Sacred Heart Catholic School, offered visitors of all ages a chance to learn about many Saints’ lives. Every class contributed a project such as posters, dioramas, life-sized paper doll Saints and even pumpkins decorated as Saints! During the school mass that day, the Saints’ Parade was the introduction to our celebration. Later in the day, the gym was transformed into a museum as “living statues” quickly became the highlight of the event. What a great success the Saint’s Mass and Saint’s Museum of 2015 was for our school – so proud!

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Parishioners Pat and Barb Clark visit Esopus.

Pat & Barb Clark went on a road trip this summer to Esopus to visit and  see Father Browne’s grave stone. They wanted to  share the following photos with all of us!! Below are pictures taken of Father Browne’s grave stone. The property is now owned by a Bruderhoff group, a religious organization. They welcomed Pat & Barb with open arms and wanted to know more about Father Browne. Truly a wonderful visit for all!!!

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Fr. Tom Visits Ireland

Fr. Tom was in the city of Shrul, Ireland which is in County Mayo to visit his mother. Although his visit was brief, he enjoyed his visit with his mother and other family members.

While he was there he celebrated a Mass at St. Joseph and visited the school, nursing homes and the Redemptorist Community.

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O.L.P.H. Jr. Legion of Mary’s visiting the Sick

Celebrating the Feast of  the Holy Rosary, O.L.P.H. Jr. Legion of Mary traveled on a Mission Trip to The Regency Assisted Living Home in Edgewater to visit and pray the Rosary with their 14 Residents, with the owner Beni Demitta and Staff .
Our Legionaries gave each resident a Rosary and together we prayed the Holy Rosary with them led by our members.
The Residents were each also given a Blessed Shawl made and donated by our CCW Women of Sacred Heart.
We thank owner Beni and staff for such a warm welcome by making us feel welcome but also appreciating Beni providing our group with snacks and drinks.
Special, “Thanks,” also goes out to the Mc. Guires who treated our Group to dinner at Chick-fil-a.
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Busy week for Fr. Aldrin!

Fr. Aldrin had a busy week & weekend by attending the girls Vocation Club Meeting with Sr. Josephine and serving as Spiritual Director for both  the Pilgrim Virgin Visit to Elsa and Barnaby Romo’s home on Saturday. He also was Spiritual Director for the Orlando Diocese monthly Comitium meeting which was held at St. Peter’s & Paul Catholic Church in Winter Park on Sunday.

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