Monthly Archives: July 2020

Sacred Heart School reopening

Sacred Heart Catholic School is proud to announce our school reopening August 26th for the 2020-21 school year! As we prepare, plan and pray for a positive return to campus with all health and safety protocols in place, students will continue to thrive in our small, secure, supportive, spiritual, and successful academic environment. Limited space available – Proudly serving grade PreK-8 – Call for a tour today!


Welcome Home – Prayerfully Returning to our Parish 

Guidelines for reopening – 



Per Bishop Noonan​ Sunday Holy Mass obligation has been suspended until further notice.

If you think you might be sick or uneasy about attending Mass at the Church, please stay home and attend our online streamed Masses on the Parish Website, Facebook.

We will be able to allow a limited number of people into the worship space sanctuary to enable appropriate social distancing.

You may be denied permission to enter or asked to leave if our 25% capacity 125 reached.

Only the main entrance and the doors nearest the handicap parking on the school side of the church will be open prior to Mass.

All Holy Water fonts will be empty in keeping with protocols.

Hand Sanitizers will be available at entrances, as well as disposable gloves, if you do not have your own.

We will not be providing masks, though we highly recommend you bring and wear your own.

Will we have a receptacle to dispose of used gloves/masks at the end of Mass.

Seating will follow social distancing guidelines.

You may be directed to appropriate seating, and we thank you for your cooperation.

Masses will be celebrated by one of our Redemptorist priests assisted by our deacons.

We will not, at this time, be utilizing altar servers, lectors, or Eucharistic Ministers.

We will no longer hold hands during the Our Father prayer.

We will offer a bow to one another as the exchange of the Sign of Peace, instead of the customary handshake.

There will be no offertory baskets distributed for collection.

One large basket will be located in the main aisle so you may deposit your offertory upon arriving.

The offertory and gift procession to the altar has been suspended.

Music accompaniment will be our music director and a cantor.

In keeping with Diocesan mandates, distribution of Communion will be in the species of Body only, and reception will be in hand only.

The proper way to receive is with hands extended one under the other, in essence, a throne is formed to receive the Sacred Host.

If gloves are worn, they are to be removed for Communion.

Do not move until the Host has been placed in your hand, permitting the priest or deacon to place the Host without touching your hands.

The faithful are encouraged to wear masks, but are asked to lower the masks to receive Communion.

The Presider is not to wear a mask during the celebration of the Mass, but can wear it to distribute Communion.

Maintain appropriate social distancing. Appropriate spacing for the reception of communion is marked in red on center aisle.

When the celebration of Mass has ended it is important not to congregate into groups, but to clear the Church expediently, for cleaning and disinfecting must begin.

Always maintain proper distance and please, do not make our clergy the enforcers.

Coffee & donuts after Mass has been suspended.

All social gatherings and on campus ministries and classes have been suspended.

As we are a faith family, it is important each of us takes the responsibility of protecting everyone.  Therefore, we respectfully request, in the event you witness activity or a brother or sister not in compliance with these rules, politely bring it to their attention and offer the correct practice.

In the unfortunate event, after the counsel, it is not corrected, without a second attempt, bring the matter to either a member of the clergy or designated coordinator.