Dear Sacred Heart families,
The Diocese of Orlando, our Sister Diocese of San Juan de la Maguana in the Dominican Republic and our Mission Office needs our assistance. As you know, this virus has impacted everyone’s budget, but no one’s budget has been impacted more than the Mission Office. The only sources of funding for the Mission Office annually is the 2ndcollection with took place in October and a small portion of income when each missioner goes down to the Dominican Republic. COVID has emptied our churches and we could not have speakers. Combined with the suspension of mission travel, the total mission funding lost was almost 80% of their entire revenue.
As we enter Advent and the season of giving, we would love to help Sister Bernie and our brothers and sisters in the mountains. Just as we have helped in the past with peanut butter, shoes, school supplies and uniform collections, this collection will be our special Advent service project of the season. Please see the attached flyer for more information. God Bless you for your support!