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Girl’s Vocation Club

This past Monday we welcomed Sr. Kathleen , who was instrumental in helping us start the girl’s vocation club at Sacred Heart. She spoke to us about happiness and being followers of Jesus. On a sad note, we also bid farewell to Sister Josephine Marie, our facilitator for the last two years. She will be residing at the sister’s mother house in St-Augustine and minister in that diocese. Our girls made beautiful posters for her so she can always remem-ber them.
We say thank you to the many sisters who joined us this past year, you made our vocation club a wonderful experience and we are grateful for all you do.


St. Gerard Liturgical and Service Ministry Volunteers Honored….

St. Gerard parishioners who volunteer for liturgical and service ministries, and their spouses, were in-vited by Father George to an APP (Appreciation Pizza Party) held on Wednesday, April 26. As an expression of the clergy’s appreciation for the vol-unteers’ hard work throughout the year, guests were treated to pizza and soft drinks, a sing along accompanied by Deacon Darrell and choir director Ellen Graf, and various games. During the evening the tables were turned on Father George as the vol-unteers celebrated his special day with a birth-day cake and the singing of Happy Birthday! Many thanks to Father George, Deacon Darrell, Ellen Graf, and the Leadership Committee for a very en-tertaining evening. To all of you who volunteer for our various ministries, please know how grateful we are for everything you do to make St. Gerard’s a Christ centered, Spirit-filled community!
The accompanying photos show highlights of the evening.   

Girl’s Vocation Club Monday, May 8th – 3:00pm

Sister Josephine Marie and Sister Kathleen will be joining us for this our last presentation of the year.
This will also be Sister Josephine’s last meeting with our girls, as she will now be residing in St-Augustine and ministering to the people of that diocese.
Please join us on the 8th and come say hello and thank you to both Sister Josephine Marie and Sister Kathleen, who was instrumental in forming our girl’s vocation club.
Our meeting is from 3:30pm to 4:30pm located in the Knights Hall.
Looking forward to seeing many of our girls and their parents/Guardians join us


One might wonder or ask about this day is why is this event called “Good” Friday, when it was the day the Son of God was cruelly tortured and crucified? This day is called Good Friday because it was the day Jesus willingly sacrificed his life for us and our sins. It is called “Good” because it shows forth the absolute goodness of God on our behalf. Good Friday Veneration of the Cross and Communion Service at Sacred Heart. Thanks to our pastor Fr. Tom; Fr. Kevin for a beautiful homily; and to all our Redemptorist community.

Girls Vocation Club – Monday April 10th

Girl’s Vocation Club
Monday, April 10th, 2017
3:30pm- Knights Hall
This month sister Josephine Marie will be accompanied by sister Diane Couture who will share her story and also her talents as a stained glass artist.
She has done many stained glass windows for churches, in particular the cathedral in St-Augustine.  
Come see and hear all about sister Diane’s journey of faith

KofC helping our Community

On February 20, 2017 the Fr. Downey Council and Mainland High School ROTC went to United Methodist Church to work the Hot Meals Program. They were able to feed 127
guests. This is more than serving food, we sit and talk with the guests, have sing along and
share our faith through example. This is just one way that we share our faith in the
We thank the Fr. Downey Council 4934, for their generosity and continued hard work and all those who came out to support our community in this ministry.
Your help was greatly appreciated!