Join us for a fun filled day of Christmas shopping here at Sacred Heart! all information listed below.

Join us for a fun filled day of Christmas shopping here at Sacred Heart! all information listed below.
Santa’s Coming!! Sunday, December 8th from 8:30am – 12:00pm in the Parish Social Hall. We have it on good authority that Santa will be making a special stop at Sacred Heart with gifts for all of the good children of the Parish this year.
Santa has asked one of the Knights to bring him to Church so he can still drop off gifts for all of our good boys & girls. So, please mark your calendars and we hope to see you there!
Merry Christmas from your K of C Council 4934
Click here to view and join us for a livestream mass for our “Annual Commemoration of the Deceased members of our Parish” Monday , November 4, 2024 at 7:00PM
JOIN US AND HELP SPONSOR!—RAISE THE ROOF—Our goal is to raise $90,000 to go toward much needed capital improvements. So come and start off our 2 day event by kicking up your heels at our country themed “Raise the Roof 2” fundraiser, Sat. Nov. 9th, 5PM to 9PM and Sunday., Nov. 10th, 11:30 to 4:30 at Sacred Heart Church, 998 Fr Donlan Dr., NSB. Tons of fun for all with food, music, line dancing, 2-step, live auction, jail, children’s face painting, and so much more! See flyers for details on each days event. We hope to see ya’ll there!
Parish Office—386-428-6426 for more information.
Click here to view and join us for a livestream Mass – Thursday, October 31, at 7:00pm.
We can be in spiritual union with Our Lord. The Mass will be live-streamed on the parish website and Facebook. Our Celebrant message is sure to be both comforting and inspirational. Peace and blessings to all our Sisters and Brothers.
Sponsored by Sacred Heart & St. Gerard Council of Catholic Women all information listed below!
Peace of the Lord be with you. Below is a video on the Culture of Life, which was created by our Diocesan Communications Office. The 2024 Florida Culture of Life Conference is being held this year at the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe on October 18th and 19th. Below are links for easy access:
To view video:
To register:
If any non-Catholic adult is interested in learning what the Church professes, new inquiry sessions will begin in the Fr. Burke Hall starting on Thursday September 5th from 7:00pm until 8:30pm. Please register by calling the church office at 428-6426. No commitment is expected by inquiring.
Please join us in our Eucharistic Procession to celebrate the feast day of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament on Sunday, June 2nd. All information listed below.