Category Archives: Uncategorized

Raise a Fork for our Parish!

Join us on Sat,  Nov 9th for a fabulous Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser.  You will enjoy spaghetti and meatballs, salad, bread and dessert. All proceeds go toward parish improvements. $8.00 Dinner located in Sacred Heart Social Hall. Doors open at 5pm.

Blessings to our Teachers & Catechists

Sacred Heart offers a special blessing and prayer for the teachers and catechists:
Heavenly Father, Enable them to teach WISDOM, For they help to shape the mind. Equip them to teach with TRUTH, For they help to shape the conscience. Encourage them to teach with VISION, For they help to shape the future. Empower them to teach with LOVE, For they help to shape the world.


June 10-14 / 8:00 am -12:00 noon
Aftercare Until 3:00pm
Registration: $25 per child includes snacks.
Theme: “To Mars and Beyond”
Come and join the best VBS ever! Kids will confidently celebrate that Jesus, their champion, has won the victory over sin and death; that he acts through his Word and keeps his promises.
Because the victory is won, each day is a day to celebrate!

KofC Support the Community Hot Meals Program

Last Monday the Knights of Columbus were hard at work devoting there time volunteering, preparing and serving meals at the First Methodist Church in New Smyrna to those in need. Blessings to the Knights of Columbus for all there hard work and dedication to the community.

Were God guides, He provides , Isaiah 58:11


Baby Shower Sponsored by CCW

Have you noticed a cradle or large wicker basket at the back of the Sanctuary?

The Sacred Heart/St. Gerard CCW are collecting items for a Baby Shower for the Pregnancy Crisis Center of Daytona Beach and Grace House of Edgewater.

The shower began Mothers Day May 12th  and will run thru  Fathers Day June 16th

Your donations will help young pregnant women in crisis. Diapers, new clothing and new or gently used baby furniture are most needed. Your baby items and also monetary donations an be placed in the basket.

Help us to fill it to capacity!  Your generosity is most appreciated.