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Letter from our Pastor –

Please view message from Fr. Tom Burke

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The last three months have turned our lives upside down in so many unimagined ways mainly because of COVID-1: globally, economically, socially (We now speak of social distancing) and religiously as well (Our places of worship were closed, opening only now with stringent safeguards put in place). All of our lives have changed. What will be the new normal?
During this time we have been broadcasting the Mass using the modern tools of communication: the smart phone, the internet and the video camera. We will continue to do for the coming months as well as having the Mass in Church.
During the past few weeks I haven’t been seen saying the Mass with you. Why? A few weeks ago I was working over in the Knights of Columbus hall doing some heavy construction. I felt some pain in my back that I thought was from using different muscles and from age. As always I took Aleve and Tylenol, heating pad, etc. Nothing worked.
Having gone to the doctor it was discovered that I had a compression fracture on my spine. Sadly something else was discovered. I had tumors on my back that ate into five of my vertebrae. An orthopedic surgical procedure called a Kyphoplasty was performed. A biopsy was also performed at the same time. The tumors were cancerous originating from my lungs.
I have lung cancer. 34 years of smoking. I had stopped for the last 5 years. Not surprised yet still surprised. What is next? I am presently over at the Redemptorist Villa (Now an assisted living facility for all my Redemptorist Brothers) receiving 5 radiation treatments while waiting a complete diagnosis. An MRI will be done of my head this coming Wednesday that will be put together with blood panels, CTs that a proper treatment can treat the cancer.
I honestly asked the oncologist: Do I have 3 months or 5 years? He couldn’t answer me because he still as yet didn’t have all the information and more so because he said tremendous advances have been made during the past 5 years. There is no one way to treat it. There are many other avenues to treating it: immunology’s etc.
When I learn more I will share the information with you. There are 2 things I ask of you. First, don’t draw conclusions until all the information is there, secondly, pray for me! Nothing is impossible for God! Nothing.
My provincial as well as our Bishop have been informed and will continue to be informed as time goes by.

God’s blessing—always,  Fr. Tom Burke C.Ss.R.

Celebrating the Sacred Heart Class of 2020

A special tribute to the Sacred Heart Class of 2020 and the 8th grade superstars who have made us so proud! We celebrate you, we miss you and we love you more than you will ever know. In honor of you, this movie was created by our beloved Mrs. B as a virtual thank you from the Faculty and Staff of Sacred Heart Catholic School. It is always a great day to be an EAGLE!

Sacred Heart & St. Gerard Holy Mass – Pentecost Sunday


Click here to view and join us for a livestream celebration of Holy Mass Pentecost Sunday, May 31st at 4:00 pm. We can be in spiritual union with Our Lord. The Mass will be live-streamed on the parish web site, Youtube and Facebook.
Our Celebrant message is sure to be both comforting and inspirational during this trying time. Peace and blessings to all our sisters and brothers.

Livestream Easter Sunday Mass

Join us in the celebration of Holy Mass Easter Sunday, April 12th at 9:00 AM here at Sacred Heart. The presider will be Fr. Kevin McDonald. Although our physical presence is not possible, we can be in spiritual union with Our Lord. The Mass will be live-streamed on the parish web site, Youtube and Facebook. Fr. Kevin’s message is sure to be both comforting and inspirational during this trying time. Peace and blessings to all our sisters and brothers.

Join Bishop Noonan on Palm Sunday

Join us for Palm Sunday, via livestream on Sunday, April 5th at 10 a.m.

Please bookmark your favorite way in which to participate in the celebration of the sacred liturgies during Holy Week.

Livestream Options:

Join The Redemptorist Community on Monday March 30th for live “Retreat/Mission”

One of the distressing effects of the current global pandemic has been the inability of believers to gather as a community for prayer and worship. Fortunately, there have been successful efforts to “gather” while in our own homes through the use of social media. Redemptorist Missionaries of the Baltimore Province will join these efforts through an online mission with the theme: “A Time for . . . ”
Some of the reflections we will offer are:
• A time for prayer • A time for mercy • A time for Mary
and several others that draw from the deep well of our Catholic Christian faith tradition. Our hope is that hearing the Good News during this time of crisis will nourish our faith, inspire hope, and encourage us to love.
The Mission will begin on Monday, March 30th, and will conclude on Wednesday, April 8th. To join us, “like” and “follow” the Redemptorist Facebook Page (The Redemptorists) and on the day of the mission, around 10am, you will receive a notification that a live “watch party” has begun with an invitation to join. Please feel free to share your prayer requests in the chat, where a Redemptorist missionary will be present and praying for all who join us and, indeed, for the whole world.
You can also share this invitation with those who are not on Facebook with the following link:
Blessing to all, and May Our Mother of Perpetual Help intercede for and watch over us!
In the Spirit of the Redeemer,
Paul J. Borowski, C.Ss.R.

Welcome to our new Deacon!

Please help us welcome our new Deacon Stephen Gross and his wife Roxanne  to our  Sacred Heart & St. Gerard parish community. Blessings and Prayers as you as you begin your ministry and service at Sacred Heart & St. Gerard. May your acts of goodness and generosity lead the faithful to Christ. Welcome!!