All posts by Ella

KofC Christmas Party

On Saturday evening, the 4th,  Knights of Columbus hosted their annual Christmas party for the Parish.  John Martens and team cooked up a great roast beef dinner. The music performed and presented by “Still Cookin” was a great mix.  Steve, the singer for “Still Cookin” sang a great rendition of “God Bless the USA” that brought everyone to their feet! Guests were asked to bring an unwrapped gift for the Toys for Tots drive. Guest of honor was Staff Sergeant Villarreal from the US Marine Corps and she gratefully accepted all of the toys that were donated to the Toys for Tots initiative by our generous guests.


Feast of Saint Francis – Blessing of Animals

Blessing of Pets on Mondays feast of Saint Francis was by far the most successful we have ever had! Thank you to all who brought their pets for blessing, to our pastor Rev. Fr. John Tizio, Deacon Lou Bartos for assisting, and the 7th grade students of Sacred Heart for a very organized assembly. God bless all creatures God blessed us with!



Sacred Heart/St. Gerard Catholic Women’s Association is hosting a Chicken Parmesan Dinner on Saturday, October 23, at 5 pm to benefit our local animal shelters and Sophie’s Circle.  The dinner will be held at Sacred Heart Social Hall, 98 Fr. Donlan Dr., NSB.  Tickets are $12 and can be purchased at the Parish Office through Tuesday, October 19.


All Souls Day Mass
“Annual Commemoration of the Deceased members of our Parish” Tuesday , November 2, 2021  at 7:00PM If you lost a loved one this past year and would like them to be remembered at the Mass of Remembrance ,Please contact the PARISH OFFICE 386-428-6426 to include your loved one. Pictures of your loved ones who have passed away will be displayed by the OLPH Icon. Please place a wallet size picture in the collection basket or bring it to the parish office.
All Souls Novena If you would like to enroll your loved ones in the All Souls Novena, please fill out an envelope and place it in the collection basket. The Novena is said November 2—10.