All posts by Ella

Sr. Kathleen Power and Sr. Josephine Marie Melican speak after Masses at Sacred Heart & St Gerard

Both Sr. Kathleen Power and Sr. Josephine Marie were very happy by the warm welcome & response from both  Sacred Heart & St. Gerard communities.

Sr. Kathleen director of vocations for the Orlando Diocese shared what it means to be an associate member for the Sisters of St. Joseph.
 Sr. Kathleen and Sr. Josephine Marie truly want to thank  Fr. Tom,  Fr. Nelson,  Fr. George  &  Fr. Karl, the office staff from both parishes and the CCW  who accommodated everyone with such hearty food & beverages.
Thanks also to the  Montgomery’s  &  the Cooley’s for a great dinner where Fr. Tom served all, cleaned up & loaded the dishwasher!
What a good shepherd ! we are blessed, welcome to Sacred Heart  Fr. Tom.
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Mark Swanson hosted the Pilgrim Virgin visit for his daughter Trinity on her 15th birthday celebration. It is a blessing that Trinity for the past 3 years has chosen to celebrate her birthday by praying with her grandma Cedilia and friends at her home. Trinity is the secretary for the “Our Lady of Perpetual Help” Jr. Legion of Mary. Her fellow legionaries and their parents all attended this happy occasion which was led by Esper Radosta, who coordinates the “Pilgrim Virgin visits and Divine Mercy enthronements” for our parish.

Please contact – Esper @ 386-848-1787 to book a Pilgrim Virgin Visit
                                                                            Swanson Residence



Sacred Heart Parish Hosts Orlando Junior Curia meeting for Legion of Mary

Last Saturday Guests from the Orlando Committium for the Diocese  visited our parish for their monthly meeting which was attended by all our legionaries and their families, Our guests were very impressed with the warm hospitality and generosity which they experienced with a  reception served by our families after the meeting. Sr. Bettye Williams president and Sr. Mila Gregori secretary for the Committium were among our guests. Thanks to our families who came together to make them feel so welcome, and to Fr. Tom who was able to join us. They plan to return in September.

For inquires for the Junior Legion
Please call…. Geeta Hyjek
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Fr. Jerome asks us to supply rosaries for Cuban Mission

O.L.P.H. Junior Legion of Mary was very busy with fulfilling Fr. Jerome’s request last week for 300 Rosaries for which Fr. Oscar Rojas CSSR will take to his Mission Church in Havana, Cuba. Our excellent team of  legionaries worked hard and even took kits home to help reach our goal with limited time we had. We are very thankful to the Greer Family who saw Fr. Jerome’s email and surprised us with 75 of these last Wednesday to honor Delia Greer who is 96 yrs old and is a resident at Oceanview Nursing Home.
Also special thanks to Janice Mc Guire who miraculously had almost 200 rosary kits prepped and ready for us to make rosaries. Our Legion plans to restart the Legion of Mary in Cuba and sending them Tessera’s & handbooks in Spanish. Please contact me Geeta Hyjek – 428-6426  if you have family or friends in Cuba and interested in joining us for this Mission. With Fr. Tom’s busy schedule he made time to join us yesterday for a Junior Curia meeting for the Legion of Mary here @ Sacred Heart where he asked us to pray for the William’s family in S.C. He blessed the Rosaries going to Cuba via Fr. Jerome and shared with us, that he had spoken with Fr. Jerome and was happy we could participate with this Mission with short notice.

Girls Vocation Club Meetings – Resume September 14, 2015

Sacred Heart Girl’s vocation Club

We invite all young ladies, girls from our parish to join us as we gather to explore vocation, the call of God in our lives.
    When:  Monday, September 14th, 2015
    Time:   3:00p.m.
    Where:  Knights of Columbus Hall
We are privileged to have Sister Josephine Marie, sister of St-Joseph- join us for this important gathering.
We will meet monthly on the 2nd Monday of each month in the Knight’s Hall at 3:00p,m.  These meetings are open to everyone. We appreciate your attendance with your parents/ families for Sr. Kathleen & Sr.Josephine who will traveling from Orlando.
This year Sr. Josephine will be teaching about, “”Our Blessed Mother “,
After the meeting we will share a meal together with the Sisters which has  always been provided by Suzanne, unfortunately her schedule has made it difficult to fix our meal so if we can each pitch in with some food and beverage it will be very much appreciated.
For those of you who are new please inform & give consent to Principal Leigh for me to pick up your children @3.00 PM @ SH School.
Thanks  & feel free to let us know what you plan to bring.
“May God continue to Bless our families to grow in his ways”
Geeta Hyjek
                                  We look forward to welcoming you!

Fr. Murray, Embarks on his new Adventure

Today July 31,2015 Fr. Murray embarks on his new adventure with our prayers, our blessings and our gratitude for his many years of service and ministry at Sacred Heart and St. Gerard. The Redemptorists  have reassigned him to Our Lady of the Hills Catholic Church in Columbia SC .  Fr. Murray has been the pastor of Sacred Heart and St. Gerard for four years.  Travel Safe our friend, you will truly be missed!!!

Join the Celebration!!!! July 25, 2015

It is now time to say goodbye to our Pastor, Father John F. Murray C.Ss.R. Unfortunately Fr. Murray will be leaving the communities of Sacred Heart and St Gerard at the end of July. The Redemptorists  have reassigned him to a parish in Columbia, SC. Fr. Murray has been the pastor of Sacred Heart and St. Gerard for four years. Fr. Murray embarks on the new adventure with our prayers, our blessings and our gratitude for his many years of service and ministry at Sacred Heart. You are invited to join Fr. Murray and the other parishioners for a farewell Mass on Saturday, July 25th at 4pm. A reception will follow in the Social Hall.

Vacation Bible School – JUNE 29-JULY 3



More than 100 participants attended this years Vacation Bible School theme ‘SonSpark Labs’ Discovering God’s Plan 4 U = Jesus.

Thanks so much!!!! To all our wonderful volunteers, for all their help and hard work in making this years Vacation Bible School a great Success!!!

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June 27th, 2015 – 150th Anniversary of Image of O.L.P.H.

June 27th, 2015 the Redemptorists  celebrated the 150th anniversary of the handing over of the image of the Our Lady of Perpetual Help, by Pope Pius IX to the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists) in 1866 to “Make Her known and loved throughout the world”. The theme of this anniversary is “Our Lady of Perpetual Help Icon of Love” and it will conclude on June 27th,  2016.