All posts by Ella

Divine Mercy Enthronement with the Mulcahy’s & Mrs. Joan Mc. Grail

A large group of parishioners gathered to pray the Divine Mercy chaplet & Holy Rosary for Mrs. Mc. Grail & the Mulcahy family.
Fr. Aldrin led the prayers with the help of the Junior Legion of Mary. Fr. Aldrin had us all singing and Br. Frank prayed Grace as we shared a very delicious meal together.

Thanks Candice & Marina for hosting such a delightful evening, your love and appreciation to us was a reminder of our Catholic identities.

The Beck family is keeping their Pilgrim Virgin Statue a bit longer, they have been moved by the Intercession of our Blessed Mother to their answered prayers.


To book a Divine Mercy Enthronement, please contact Esper Radosta at 386-848-1787
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Legion of Mary OLPH Rosary Classes

The Legion of Mary OLPH finished there classes to teach the art of cord Rosary making.  All of the rosaries are given to the sick at hospitals and are free at the various entrances of Church and at the Religious Gift Store. If you are interested in learning the art of Rosary Making Please call Melanie at 402-4434 for further information.


Girls Vocation Club News

Our girl’s vocation club will be meeting Monday, February  8th at 3:00pm –  Knights Hall.
We come together to listen, to discern God’s call in our lives, no matter our age.
We hear about the life of Saints, our responsibilities as God’s creatures.
Sister Josephine Marie shares her experiences, challenges, instill in our girls a sense of responsibility toward our catholic vocation.
This gathering is open to young ladies of all ages, we also encourage parents, guardians, to attend with their children.
We close our meeting with a shared meal.
Come join us, learn about the many vocations God is calling all of us.

Legion of Mary Christmas Party

Both Our Lady of Perpetual Help Legion of Mary Presidium’s from Sacred Heart Parish
spent last Sunday afternoon  at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in Kissimmee  with other Presidium’s from all over the Orlando Diocese, came together to attend our monthly Comitium Meeting and celebrate Christmas over a huge Pot Luck Dinner.
Our Juniors happily helped with taking all the non perishable foods & unwrapped Toys which they  brought and delivered to their Pantry.
Vice President for the Junior Curia Sr. Lisa Burke gave an awesome report for the Junior Curia. Recently elected President for The Orlando Jr. Curia, Sr. Geeta Hyjek gave a O.L.P.H. Jr. Report on the good works of our legionaries. All Juniors Presidium’s members including Our Lady Queen of Angels from Holy Cross Catholic Church sang Christmas Carols with Sr. Valerie to entertain us .
It was a happy day for all but more so for the Juniors who are the future of our Catholic Faith.

Merry Christmas & a Blessed New Year from all of us to all of you!

President & Secretary Sr. Bettye Williams and Sr. Mila Gregori of the Orlando Comitium is standing at the rear, second row Sr. Ann Baslee and Sr. Melanie Barnicle joins O.L.P.H. Jr. members.

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​Traveling Mother of Divine Mercy and Jr. Legion of Mary Home Visitation

The Beck Family, Brandon, Deb, Kadan, Austin, Julia & Avery Beck hosted the Pilgrim Virgin visit and Divine Mercy  Consecrationat their beautiful home in Daytona Beach which was led by our Spiritual Director Fr. Aldrin.  Fr. Aldrin blessed the Divine Mercy image, as well as the family and the guests.
Austin, Julia & Avery attends our Sacred Heart School and are members of O.L.P.H. Jr. Legion of Mary.  Kadan attends Fr. Lopez.
Thanks Julia & Avery for those yummy cookies you made like”grandma’s recipe”. Thanks for being such magnificent host with warm hospitality and devotion in leading the Holy Rosary & Divine Mercy prayers.

Fr. Aldrin stopped off on the way home to visit an old parishioner & her family, Mrs. Joan Mc. Grail at her home in Sugar Mill.

To host a Divine Mercy Enthronement please contact
Esper Radosta

Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus – Breakfast with Santa

Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus would like to thank all who came to have breakfast with Santa. 60 children got to sit on Santa’s lap and share their Christmas wishes and even Fr. Aldrin participated and  sat on Santa’s lap to tell him what he wanted for Christmas. Much to Santa’s surprise Fr. Aldrin asked for is love and friendship.  A wonderful time was had by all!!! The Knights wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!!

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SH Youth Group Resumes

Sacred Heart Youth Group is NOW meeting every Wednesday night from 6:00 – 8:00pm with dinner provided. All youth are invited!! Also SH Youth Group will be hosting the St. Patrick Dinner this year on March 12, 2016. More information to follow!

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