All posts by Ella

Girl’s vocation club- Monday, May 9th- 3:00pm Knights Hall

All young ladies of the parish are invited to join Sr. Kathleen for our girl’s vocation club meeting.  This will be our last meeting for this school year.
We hope to plan some activities during the summer, so please join us, let us know what interest you, and say thank you to Sr. Kathleen and Sr. Josephine Marie for another wonderful and inspiring year.
Looking forward to welcoming everyone and sharing a meal together.

SHS Teacher – Maria Bilodeau receives Crystal Apple Award

MARIA BILODEAUThe 25th annual crystal Apple Awards celebrate Southeast Volusia County’s finest community minded educators at the annual award luncheon yesterday. We are proud to announce that Mrs. Maria Bilodeau was one of four winners chosen from a pool of 19 area nominees to win this years Crystal Apple Award, The Crystal Apple recognizes and thanks educators that have tirelessly worked to mentor our youth. All nominees are recognized with a gift bag and the winners receive  a basket and Crystal Apple. Nominees were judged by an independent committee on their community involvement, creativity and contribution to education in our area.

Thank you Mrs. Bilodeau for all your hard work. You truly deserve this wonderful honor.


From the Students and Families of Sacred Heart School & Parish – The 8th graders performed a skit to honor him and his generous contributions to Sacred
Heart Parish and School. Bob is the architect of Sacred Heart Church and founder
of the Donna Dale Foundation which has sponsored tuitions for the school. Thank
you, Bob, for your dedication and service.

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Reverend Fr. Alistair McKay, C.Ss.R.

center-140x188-4194043[1]Reverend Fr. Alistair McKay, C.Ss.R., 70, of Salem, Va., died on Saturday, April 16, 2016.

Born in Perth, Scotland on Monday, February 28, 1946, he was educated at St John’s and Lawside Academy. He professed vows as a Redemptorist in 1970 and studied in Canterbury. He was ordained a priest in 1975 and began work on the overseas missions in Zimbabwe. He was fluent in Shona and was a support to many during a time of political turmoil. He moved to South Africa, where he worked in Cape Town and then spent many years on a remote mission in Vleschfontein. He learned the Tsawana language and became integrated into the community. He worked tirelessly for the poorest of the poor.

He came to the USA for a sabbatical in 1996 and was transferred to the Redemptorist Vice-Province of Richmond. He served at St. Jude’s and St. Anne’s (Sumter, S.C.), St. Joseph’s (Hampton, Va.), St. Vincent de Paul (Newport News, Va.), Sacred Heart (New Smyrna Beach, Fla.), and St. John’s (Highland Springs, Va.). Most recently, he was appointed to Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Salem, where he served as pastor for nearly two years. His work of service to the Catholic and wider community helped build up the parish. He was a man of deep faith, whose love and kindness towards families, children, the elderly, and the frail made him such a well-loved priest.

He was treated for cancer at Lewis-Gale Medical Center starting in November 2015. During this period, he remained active in his ministry. Towards the end of his life, he accepted the care and support of parishioners, and he died peacefully in the care of those who had ministered to him during his last days.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Charles and Mary Frances McKay; and by his brother, Charles McKay.

He is survived by brother, Ian McKay and wife, Josephine; along with their children, Ruari and Mairi Frances.

There will also be a vigil at 7 p.m. on Monday, April 25, 2016 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in New Smyrna Beach, Fla. Following a Mass at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, April 26, 2016, Father McKay will be laid to rest at Edgewater-New Smyrna Cemetery in Edgewater, Fla.

Online condolences may be expressed at

Father Alistair McKay will be missed by his fellow clergy, family, and friends. He was a proud Scotsman, the “Braveheart” of Salem. Na Alba gu brath. We trust his soul to the mercy of a loving God.

Sr Kathleen’s visit

Last Monday was the Feast day for St. Gemma, who was born in Italy and died at the age of 25. She was the patriot Saint for Students and Back injuries. Sr.  Kathleen shared her life story with all the girls. She concluded by asking the girls a question,
“What plans do you have for your future life ” ?Their responses  were all very interesting ….
  •  run for President to make our Country great again with a strong Military
  • saves the Trees to preserve our Environment
  • be a Lawyer who will also be an advocate for the poor.
  • Evangelize for God.
  • to be a Baker and follow her dreams also by being a Scientist in order to find the cures for diseases.
  • be a Veterinarian, and one who will also stop animal abuse.
Sr. Susan Kirby, President for ,Our Lady Mother of our Church Presidium Jr. Legion from St. Jude Parish in Chattanooga, TN. visited us on Monday and was very pleased to meet everyone including Sr. Kathleen.
Next Girls Vocation meeting will be on Monday May 9Th with Sr. Kathleen.
Please join us to find your Vocation !

Patty & Elsa Retirement Party!!!

Last Sunday after the 9:00am Mass we had a party for Pat Adams and Elsa Romo and many parishioners came out to wish them well. It was joyous, yet sad occasion  all rolled up into one. Elsa had been working with us for 23 years and Pat for 21. May the Lord continue to bless them both on their journey.

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Divine Mercy Enthronement on Divine Mercy Sunday

The Torres family  hosted a Divine Mercy Enthronement on Divine Mercy Sunday with Fr. Aldrin and 22 guest. Christian & Sofia Torres are students here at Sacred Heart Catholic School and has been members of O.L.P. H. Jr. Legion of Mary since the Legion began in March of 2013. Sofia is also a member of the Girls Vocation Club since it began on August 11 2014. Thanks Miriam & Elvira for your kind hospitality in celebrating our third anniversary. Appreciate your help & support over the years.

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