All posts by Ella


One might wonder or ask about this day is why is this event called “Good” Friday, when it was the day the Son of God was cruelly tortured and crucified? This day is called Good Friday because it was the day Jesus willingly sacrificed his life for us and our sins. It is called “Good” because it shows forth the absolute goodness of God on our behalf. Good Friday Veneration of the Cross and Communion Service at Sacred Heart. Thanks to our pastor Fr. Tom; Fr. Kevin for a beautiful homily; and to all our Redemptorist community.

Girls Vocation Club – Monday April 10th

Girl’s Vocation Club
Monday, April 10th, 2017
3:30pm- Knights Hall
This month sister Josephine Marie will be accompanied by sister Diane Couture who will share her story and also her talents as a stained glass artist.
She has done many stained glass windows for churches, in particular the cathedral in St-Augustine.  
Come see and hear all about sister Diane’s journey of faith

KofC helping our Community

On February 20, 2017 the Fr. Downey Council and Mainland High School ROTC went to United Methodist Church to work the Hot Meals Program. They were able to feed 127
guests. This is more than serving food, we sit and talk with the guests, have sing along and
share our faith through example. This is just one way that we share our faith in the
We thank the Fr. Downey Council 4934, for their generosity and continued hard work and all those who came out to support our community in this ministry.
Your help was greatly appreciated!

Girl’s Vocation Club News

This past Monday our Girl’s vocation club welcomed back Sr. Josephine Marie and our special guest sister Carole who shared her incredible story of conversion and on  answering God’s call to religious life.
Sister Carole is also a great artist.  She brought with her one of her pencil drawing which she signed and each of our girls were presented one.  What a special gift.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 13th, 3:00pm in the Knights Hall
All girls of the parish are invited to join us.



($ Change $ for a Change)

Because it is the season of lent and it is a time of reflection and sacrifice, it is a good time to think of our less fortunate brothers and sisters in our area.

Sacred Heart/St. Gerard Council of Catholic Women is asking each family of the parish to take a bottle home and fill it with change throughout Lent to help with the Hot Meal/Manna Ministry programs that provide hot meals to the homeless five days a week in the New Smyrna Beach, Edgewater, and Oak Hill area. They currently serve an average of 60 people a day.

Bottles will be available at all masses beginning March 4, which is the first Saturday of Lent. We will collect the filled bottles on Easter weekend, April 15 and 16.

The proceeds from this collection will be used to help buy food for these hot meal ministries.

Thank you for your continued generosity and support.