Sacred Heart School will be offering a Summer Tech Camp starting on June 25-29 from 9am-3pm for children 7-15 yrs. To register or for further information please contact Maria Bilodeau at 386-428-6426 or email
All posts by Ella
Just a reminder that JMJ will have our closing party on Wednesday, May 30th at 3pm in the social hall.
Our JMJ disciples were excited to be able to present the Legion of Mary with a beautiful table runner depicting the mysteries of the Rosary. Our JMJ Disciples worked hard to make it a beautiful keepsake. It truly was a group effort. Thank you to the Legion of Mary for surprising us with pizzas, we really enjoyed them.
As we close another successful year for JMJ, we invite young people between grade 3 and 8 to join us next year.
Vacation Bible School- June 11-15, 2018
– Vacation Bible School will run from June 11-15, 2018.
– Registration forms may be picked up from the parish office, Sacred Heart Catholic School, and the entrance table at Church lobby.
– Donations of crafts and art supplies like glue sticks, yarn, crayons, popsicle sticks, glitters, scissors, etc. are welcome.
– VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED. As you plan for summer, please consider helping out and make a difference in our children’s life. Training will be provided for both adult and youth volunteers. High School students who need service hours are welcome.
For inquiries, please contact Maria Bilodeau via email @
Office : 386-410-5947 ext. 1009
Cell # – 386-690-4023
Join Us on May 20th
Sing for Joy – An Afternoon of Music!
Join us on Sunday, May 20 at 3:00 pm at Sacred Heart Church for an afternoon of musical entertainment brought to you by the Music Ministry of Sacred Heart and St. Gerard’s. God has gifted our parish with a diverse range of musical talent. As we take great pride in singing to the Lord all year long, on this Sunday afternoon we sing for your pleasure and enjoyment. It is our hope that your day will be enriched by our diverse program showcasing the eclectic styles of music that brings us joy.
The afternoon features the precious voices of the Sacred Heart Children’s choir, the rousing voices of the St. Gerard Choir and the masterful harmonies of the Sacred Heart Adult Choir. In between the choirs you will hear breath taking solos by Bea Murphy and Oscar Muniz as well as delightful piano solos by Sacred Heart’s Director of Music, Marina Moffett.
There is no charge for the event, however, a free will offering will be taken for the benefit of our local St. Vincent de Paul Society, a 501c non-profit organization.
We hope to see you there!!
Join us on Sunday May 20, 2018 and give blood to those who need!! Please click on the link below for more info!!
SAVE THE DATE! – Diaconate Ordination for Lou Bartos – Saturday, June 9, 2018 @ 10am
All parishioners are invited to attend! A bus has been reserved. Sign up for a round-trip to Lou’s ordination, leaving Sacred Heart, promptly at 8:00am and leaving Mary, Queen of the Universe at approximately 12:30 or 1:00 to return to Sacred Heart, sign up at the parish office. Suggested donation to cover the cost of the bus is $20.00 per person.
- Following the 4pm Mass on June 9th there will be a pot luck dinner to celebrate Lou’s ordination. All parishioners are invited and are asked to visit or call the parish office to RSVP so we can get an approximate head count and to let us know if you can bring a dish and what it will be. We expect to have a large cake, so desserts will not be needed.
- Can’t make it to the pot-luck? There will be other opportunities to celebrate and congratulate Lou. Following the 7am and 11:30am Masses on June 10th there will be coffee and pastries, following the 9:00am Mass will be breakfast.
Want to congratulate Lou with a gift? It is not necessary; your prayers and support are all he wants. But if you are inclined, there is a gift registry in the parish office that includes items he needs in order to perform his
Deacon duties and also items the parish needs, such as matching vestments for our Deacons and Priests.
Saturdays BINGO BASH was a great success!!!!!! Thanks to all the Players, Volunteers and a special shout out to the Knights of Columbus for helping out in the kitchen and serving lunch. Also there generous donation of prizes. Lots of our players stayed an extra week just to come to the Bingo Bash! We have a great group here at Sacred Heart. Without the support of people like you it would be more difficult for Sacred Heart Parish to continue to support our community which we all treasure. Monday night bingo continues hope to see you there!!
Nearly 300 parishioners and friends attended today’s Parish Picnic. Thank you Fr. Tom Burke C.Ss.R. & Knights of Columbus for organizing this picnic. Today allowed those present to know one another, enjoy Gino’s music, enjoy the food, and just relax and chill out.
Thanks Knights of Columbus and CCW for supporting our parish.
Sacred Heart Parish Picnic
Come join all the fun!!!
Date/Time: Sunday, April 15th 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Where: Sacred Heart School Family Center and Playground Area
Parking: In field behind Regions Bank next to the dirt road. See map.
KOFC will assist, golf carts will be available to help those who need assistance
- Please sign in at the Family Center Vestibule before entering the picnic area.
- Bring a Beach/Lawn Chair
- All Food and Drink Provided
- Games and Entertainment for the kids
- We are all family in Jesus Christ
- Introduce yourself to different members of our SH School and Parish families.