All posts by Ella

Sacred Heart Benefit Night at Stavro’s

STAVRO’S Pizza Restaurant

Sacred Heart Benefit Night

Second Tuesday of every month to CCW (Council of Catholic Women) We appreciate her generosity. Hope to see you on Tuesday, November 13, 2018  from 5:00 to 9:00 pm Stavro’s Pizza Restaurant,  800 No. Dixie Freeway, NSB.  10% of proceeds come back to Sacred Heart to benefit our Projects through out the year.

Did you know that if you dine in or take out we still  benefit from the proceeds. Help us to fill the restaurant we look forward to seeing you at Stavros.

Congrats!! Maria Bilodeau

Much love and blessing to our favorite Religious Ed teacher Maria Bilodeau  who received the Distinguished Educator  of the Year Award from the Diocese of Orlando. Thank you for your love and dedication that you extent to our School and Parish.


Every family is called to be a place of prayer, service, and love – a little Church of the home.  Families naturally do this day-by-day in their lives.  However, it is such a beautiful and sacred sight to see families come to Church together on Sundays just in the case of Sacred Heart Catholic School families and students especially when they lead the 9:00 AM Mass during the first Sunday of every month. The 7th grade students are assigned as lectors, readers, altar servers, gift bearers,and cantors.The very young were called to the altar to receive a blessing and celebrate the Children’s Liturgy of the Word in the Chapel led by Mrs. Genie Franklin and Mrs. Jan Martin.  Our pastor Fr. Tom Burke, C.Ss.R. welcomed the children and reiterated the special message of Jesus in ‘letting the children come to him.”


Blessing of the Animals

All kinds of animals from the typical—dogs, cats and fish to hamsters and even a pig were brought to Sacred Heart Wednesday  October 3rd to celebrate with Lou Bartos and Sacred Heart School our beloved St. Francis of Assisi, Blessing of  Animals.  All animals are very much a part of  someone’s family, and they want to be a part of the church, just like we all are. The Love we give to a pet, and receive from a pet, can draw us more deeply into the larger circle of life, into the wonder of our common relationship to our Creator. We look forward to seeing all of you next year!

Join us for Sacred Heart Fall Festival

Join in the fun on October 28, 2018 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm at the Sacred Heart School Family Center.   This parish event, is a time to be with family and friends and have lots of fun.  There is live music, games,  plus lots of your favorite  foods including  hotdogs, hamburgers, many desserts and much more!Sacred Heart School will be having their TRUNK OR TREAT @ 2:30pm. Volunteers are needed! Please contact the Parish office for further information 386-428-6426. You and the entire family will enjoy a fun-filled afternoon  with fellowship with members of Sacred Heart Parish & St. Gerard Mission and the surrounding community.


The 8th Grade Students of Sacred Heart School invite…

All Veterans & members of the Armed Forces in active duty are invited to the 11:00am Mass on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. A reception hosted by Sacred Heart School 8th grade class will follow in the Knights Hall. For more information please contact the Parish office at 386-428-6426.

Please join us and all Faiths Welcome!!!





We invite Sacred Heart and St. Gerard Parishioners to join the Rosary Rally in honor of the 101st year anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima who appeared to the three children in Fatima, Portugal for six consecutive months with the message: “PRAY THE ROSARY”
(Start at Fr. Browne Prayer Garden & process to Sacred Heart statue)
When: OCTOBER 13, 2018, Saturday, 12:00 Noon to 1:00 P.M.
We will be joining more than 20,000 rosary rallies nationwide coordinated by America Needs Fatima. For more information, please call Sacred Heart office.