Provide assistance to members of the Sacred Heart & St. Gerard Parish clergy during religious services in supporting tasks at the altar such as holding the book, carrying the offertory gifts, leading the entrance procession with the cross. Altar Servers need to arrive at church at least 15 minutes before Mass starts. Before becoming an altar server, the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and First Communion have to be received. Candidates should know how to follow directions and participate in the Mass. Training will be required of all candidates wishing to become altar servers. Contact: Sacred Heart office at 386-428-6426

Please note the following changes and reminders to the Altar Server duties: The time to set up the Altar occurs as soon as the ushers come down the center aisle to begin the collection. At this time the Cross Bearer will go to the back of the Church and Server 2 and 3 will set up the altar by placing the Roman Missal and the Chalice on the Altar. If there is only one server, the Processional Cross is not taken to the back of the Church.
- As soon as the Priest (Celebrant) comes around the Altar, the servers who are seated are to join the Celebrant to help with the gifts. Place gifts on altar and immediately proceed to the credence table to continue with your assigned duties.
- (Refer to your
manual if you are unclear about them)
- Fr. Tom will be consecrating the wine from the chalice that is set up on the Credence Table. It is important to carry the assembled chalice very carefully to avoid spillage. Always assume that the assembled chalice contains wine for consecration. Some priests will not be consecrating from the Common Communion Cup but again, carry with extreme caution.
- Altar Servers will receive Communion in the sanctuary along with the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.