St. Gerard parishioners who volunteer for liturgical and service ministries, and their spouses, were in-vited by Father George to an APP (Appreciation Pizza Party) held on Wednesday, April 26. As an expression of the clergy’s appreciation for the vol-unteers’ hard work throughout the year, guests were treated to pizza and soft drinks, a sing along accompanied by Deacon Darrell and choir director Ellen Graf, and various games. During the evening the tables were turned on Father George as the vol-unteers celebrated his special day with a birth-day cake and the singing of Happy Birthday! Many thanks to Father George, Deacon Darrell, Ellen Graf, and the Leadership Committee for a very en-tertaining evening. To all of you who volunteer for our various ministries, please know how grateful we are for everything you do to make St. Gerard’s a Christ centered, Spirit-filled community!
The accompanying photos show highlights of the evening.